
All the stories and plays presented on Story Free for All are my own original creations.  They are fiction of various genres, but all have an edge of satirical humour.  They are meant for the average adult or teenage reader.

The newest additions are two short plays.  Donkey  and  Two Cream One Sugar.  Both are comedies, with some added satire.  They can be found by clicking on the “Plays” tab.  I have also added a new tab for  limericks  based on bad old jokes, which you may read at your peril.

You may also check out my picture gallery of world wide destinations at the “Photos” tab.

The stories and photos here are free to view in their entirety.  Please enjoy them, and I hope you come back many times, and please tell your friends about Story Free for All.

One thought on “Info

  1. Dear “K”:

    You are a great writer! Thank you for sharing your creations.


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